How to choose mailroom automation software that makes package delivery a breeze

Feb 9, 2022
Want to automate the mailroom? These are the features to look out for when deciding on a mailroom management solution.
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Despite predictions that remote work would become the new norm, many employees have headed back to the office. In fact, while work doesn’t look exactly the same as it did before the pandemic (hello, hybrid work), traffic to the workplace increased more than 300% in 2021 since the lockdown lows of May 2020.

More people on-site also means a rise in package deliveries to the workplace. This can add stress to staff who are likely already busy adjusting to a new model of work. Take the pressure off of these employees while preventing package pileups, avoiding security risks, and delivering a positive employee experience. How? By using an automated mailroom management system. Learn how to choose mailroom automation software that ensures seamless package delivery for your employees and less stress for you as you manage it. As you shop around, these are the features you’ll want to keep in mind.

1. Automatic reminders and recipient recognition

Your mailroom management software should make delivery a breeze. Look for automation software that can match recipients to packages with scanning technology. This tech can scan the package, recognize the recipient’s name, and notify them within seconds. This saves you the hassle of logging every delivery manually and tracking down the right recipient.Your mailroom technology should also alert the recipient when the package is scanned, as well as send pickup reminders and provide scheduling options. Different folks may be on-site at different times—especially at hybrid work companies. Automated alerts not only ensure employees know when their package has arrived, it also helps them arrange to pick it up at a convenient time for them.

2. Safety features that get packages into the right hands

Your automated mailroom should also be a secure mailroom. Make sure packages end up in the right hands by choosing mailroom software that has these safety features:

  • Recipient recognition - The scanning feature mentioned above is also a safety measure. Automated recipient recognition can help prevent someone else from taking the package—intentionally or not.
  • Secure pickup and package protections - On that last note, packages left lying around are a security liability. Your mailroom automation software should have secure pickup capabilities, like requiring a signature or a quick photo before pickup. Measures like these will further ensure packages end up in the right hands. Not only that, but they also help employees feel their deliveries are handled with care. If a package does go missing, you’ll have records to help you identify where, how, and when it happened.
  • Customized permissions - While your mailroom technology should notify every employee of their package delivery, it should only allow select folks to scan, track, or sign off on packages. To keep delivery information secure, ensure that the mailroom automation software has customizable permissions for your team, leadership, and employees.

If there’s one thing you take away from this section, it should be this: keeping the mailroom safe doesn’t have to mean more work for you.

3. Comprehensive analytics to improve your mailroom operations

With tracking, scanning, and safety features, mailroom management automation can provide valuable data to help you better manage your operations. For example, you can:

  • Keep the package pileup under control with insights into which unclaimed packages can be removed or stored elsewhere
  • Anticipate delivery influxes with analytics that tell you which days of the week or month you get the most deliveries
  • Identify where you can improve your operations by analyzing the package journey—from delivery to pick up

This data will help you make better, more informed decisions about your mailroom management process. Perhaps you need to hire more help during peak delivery weeks. You may also have to expand your mailroom to accommodate more packages. Or, you may need to clarify package retrieval rules to prevent pileups. Whatever decisions you make, you can be sure they’re grounded in sound information and responsive to workplace needs.

A process so good, no one will notice

Your automated mailroom should work so well that no one even notices it. Packages should be delivered, signed off on, and picked up—easy, on time, and stress-free. Imagine: An employee, Jay, orders a new laptop. When it arrives, the mailroom manager scans the label on their phone. It syncs up to your company directory and automatically emails Jay. He schedules a time to pick up his package (perhaps Tuesday, their designated day in the office, at lunch), allowing your team to store it accordingly. When Jay goes to retrieve his laptop, the mailroom is ready. He gets his package, signs off, and is on his way. And your mailroom is on to its next order.

When you can integrate processes like this into the workflow of your employees, they hum in the background. Everyone is able to focus on what they came to work to do in the first place. This way mailroom automation isn’t only optimized for you—it’s a better experience for your employees, too.


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Content Marketing Manager

Tiffany is a content crafter and writer at Envoy, where she helps workplace leaders build a workplace their people love. Outside of work, her passions include spending time with her greyhound, advocating for the Oxford comma, and enjoying really great tea.

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