Workplace Analytics 401: How an integrated platform powers better data-driven strategy

Jan 24, 2024
In this blog, we show how an integrated platform can make it easier to capture, understand, and leverage workplace data.
Giulianno LopezEnvoy Logo
Content Marketing Manager
Marketing Specialist
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Welcome back to your workplace analytics masterclass series, where we’ll explain how an integrated platform can create a more connected workspace.

Access to real-time workplace data wasn’t a thing a few years ago. But, the office environment has changed drastically since then. Workplace leaders are now looking for any clues that can help them navigate economic headwinds and new security threats. Unfortunately, many still have to piece together data—siloed across their numerous tools and point solutions—to get a clear view of their workspace. This process is time-consuming, cumbersome, and prone to human error.

We’re here to make sense of this all. Below, we’ll cover:

  • The questions workplace leaders need answers to
  • How to capture data with an integrated platform
  • How to surface and apply workplace data
  • Key workplace data points to track

The questions workplace leaders need answers to

Concerns over costs and employee efficiency have never been higher. Executives have become more cautious about spending money on new tools, resources, and real estate. Workplace leaders now have to explain their rationale for pretty much anything they do. Whether it's changing a seating chart or justifying their budget, the onus is on them to have all the answers. Sound familiar?

You're not alone. Here are a few questions that you should be ready to answer on a regular or ad hoc basis:

  • How many people are in your buildings on any given day?
  • How often are your buildings receiving visitors, and what kind?
  • How are you enforcing consistent security measures across your locations?
  • What areas are being underutilized?
  • Are there any spaces that are routinely over capacity?
  • How much is your unused or underutilized space costing the organization?

Gathering this info from separate point solutions can be time-consuming. And there is a risk of that data being incomplete and inaccurate. Workplace platforms can help.

These platforms pull data (e.g., desk bookings, room usage, and employee attendance) and tie them into one, unified dashboard. This centralized view gives real-time insights into your workplace occupancy and space utilization. Knowing how people are using certain areas within your locations can enable you to:

  • Reconfigure or renovate existing spaces. 
  • Update or roll out new security protocols for building access.
  • Invest in additional real estate.
  • Discontinue leases due to space usage trends.
  • Open up opportunities for alternate locations better suited for employee needs.

How to capture data with integrated platforms

If you're using multiple workplace tools, you already have access to a treasure trove of data. The challenge is tying all of them together to get a clear picture of how your workspace is operating. Here are a few ways an integrated platform can help you uncover key workplace insights:

  1. Workplace integrations. A major advantage of a platform is its ability to integrate with tools you already use, like access control and calendar systems. Workplace integrations meet employees where they are (i.e., in the tools they already use), so there's no heavy lifting necessary. The data is passively shared between systems, which can help cut manual tasks and unlock other use cases. For instance, an employee can schedule a meeting in Microsoft Teams, and this meeting info will automatically show up on the office map and on displays outside of their meeting room.
  2. Digital check-ins. In workplaces, digital check-ins help track employee attendance, visitor entries, or room bookings. These systems typically use an app, a kiosk, or a QR code to enable visitors and employees to check in upon arrival. For visitors, check-ins can capture info like name, purpose of visit, and entry and exit times. Space booking check-ins can also provide information about how employees are using resources. This helps ensure folks have enough of what they need at the workplace.
  3. ID scans. Businesses that welcome visitors usually leverage ID scanning for identity verification and screening. During the sign-in process, visitors use a tablet to scan their government-issued IDs. From there, the platform records their info (e.g., name, date of birth, and photo) and confirms their identity. The visitor's data is then automatically uploaded to the workplace platform's database. You can use this data to keep track of who is in the building, check security, and ensure you're adhering to compliance standards.
  4. Visitor pre-registrations. When visitors fill out their information before arriving, it can help optimize reception resources and scheduling. You can capture key data, like total number of visitors, their reasons for visiting, and peak times.

How to surface and apply workplace data

Access to the right data—and at the right time—is critical in today's workspace. Yet, ensuring you have all the info you need can be challenging without an integrated platform like Envoy. These solutions aggregate data spread across your systems and provide a clear view of your workplace. The result? Workplace leaders can leverage actionable analytics and insights to better interpret their data.

Here are a few time-saving features and capabilities that make it possible:

  • Automated reporting. A platform can generate reports from the data it collects and send them to the right people. That way, stakeholders can keep a pulse on workplace foot traffic and space usage trends.
  • API integrations. An open platform allows you to easily combine and study different types of data in one place. Many platforms offer API integrations like HR systems, security platforms, or communication tools.
  • Custom notifications. You can set up these platforms to send custom alerts or notifications based on certain conditions (e.g., when maximum capacity has been reached). These alerts can be sent via email or company communication channels, like Teams or Slack.
  • Access to location-specific data. A workplace platform can give admins a clear view of both global and location-level data. This info can help a company decide whether to grow, downsize, or close an office in a particular area.

Key workplace data points to track

The workplace metrics you monitor can greatly affect your security plans and budget. Without the correct data, you can risk making decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate information. The right data can reveal insights that can prove critical when forecasting future needs. Below are some recommended metrics to keep tabs on:

  • Employee attendance. This tells you how many employees are onsite each day and how this changes during the week. Analyzing attendance trends helps you plan for catering and uncover hidden return-to-office trends.
  • Entry and exit data. Workplace platforms can track when and how often people enter and leave your space. This can provide you with intel on peak hours, average duration of stay, and how your space is used. Having this real-time data is especially critical during emergencies when every second counts. Additionally, this info is useful when planning the layout of your workspace or right-sizing your company’s real estate.
  • Visitor patterns. By looking at your visitor data, you’ll have a better idea of the type of visitors that are coming onsite. This info helps with improving the visitor experience and identifying security gaps. It can also help you decide whether a location needs a receptionist or can use a self-check-in system, like QR codes.
  • Volume of denied entries. This can tell you how well your system is working and where/when intruders make the most attempts to enter.
  • Meeting room utilization. Many platforms offer dashboards that show how meeting rooms are used. They share insights based on room bookings by day, the use of space-saving features, and the popularity of specific amenities. This can help you identify patterns in how rooms are used and keep track of their use over time.
  • Desk usage. This metric shows how many folks book desks, filtered by team, department, or floor. Desk usage data can inform seating charts (for assigned or hot desking) and broader space planning decisions. These include reconfiguring floor plans, planning office moves, or shutting down a location. For example, if an area of your office has a lot of desk bookings but others don’t, you can repurpose desk space for something else (e.g., casual cafe-style seating for impromptu collaboration or a dedicated area for phone booths) based on employee needs and feedback.
  • Area-specific access. Workplace platforms can also monitor which areas are accessed most. They also highlight areas that are over or underutilized or need heightened security.

Using integrated platforms to improve the in-office experience

Solutions like Envoy provide workplace leaders with real-time data to enhance both admin and employee experiences. Integrated platforms can surface insights on who's coming into the office often enough to warrant an assigned seat. This is especially useful for planning office layouts and seating charts.

These platforms also ensure that office space is used efficiently. For example, Envoy can recommend smaller rooms for meetings with only two attendees and remind meeting organizers to release rooms if attendees are not onsite.

Simply having data isn't enough. It needs to be packaged and presented as actionable insights. Integrated platforms like Envoy make leveraging workplace data easier and more effective for confident decision-making.

Take Envoy for a test ride. Check out our interactive demos to learn how to enhance your workplace.


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Content Marketing Manager

Giulianno Lopez is a Content Marketing Manager here at Envoy, where he specializes in crafting content centered around workplace security and compliance. When he's not working, you can find him at Golden Gate Park training for his next race.

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