From surviving to thriving: 13 statistics that reveal essential workplace shifts for future success

Oct 9, 2024
These 13 stats reveal essential workplace shifts companies must make to thrive in the future.
Tiffany FowellEnvoy Logo
Content Marketing Manager
Marketing Specialist

If the past few years have taught us anything in business, it’s that fast adaptation is crucial for survival. But to truly thrive, organizations must go beyond keeping up with change—they need to actively embrace transformation. Below are 13 stats—including insights from our recent survey with Hanover Research—that reveal essential workplace shifts companies must make to thrive in the future.

Security enhancements

  1. Workplace security is a top priority for many organizations. In fact, our latest survey reveals that 71% of businesses are ready to invest in enhanced access control and visitor management systems to tackle their security challenges. This highlights the growing need for tighter controls over who enters and exits workspaces, especially in hybrid environments.
  2. 53% of workplace leaders want to improve their onsite security by updating their devices and protocols. Leaders are recognizing that outdated systems leave gaps in protection, and investing in newer technologies is essential to maintaining a secure environment.

Space utilization and flexibility

  1. Redesigning underutilized spaces is a key focus for workplace leaders. Our research shows that 52% of leaders plan to repurpose these areas to support more flexible work setups, such as hot desking, collaboration zones, or quiet spaces. 
  2. Our survey also found that about 60% of respondents rely on manually collected occupancy data—such as Excel spreadsheets and pen-and-paper methods—to guide their workplace real estate decisions. To save time and ensure accurate and effective space planning, these organizations must adopt technology that automates the data collection process.
  3. According to Gensler, today’s employees split their time between solo work and collaboration almost equally. They spend 40% of their time working alone, 40% with others, 10% learning, and 11% socializing. This breakdown emphasizes the need for versatile spaces that cater to various work activities throughout the day.
  4. High-performing workplaces offer more choices in where to work. In fact, 94% of employees in these environments can choose their workspace, compared to those in low-performing offices. These employees also have up to 3X more access to diverse space types, enabling them to work more effectively and comfortably.
  5. Our survey shows that 47% of workplace leaders report delays in important business decisions due to their remote or hybrid work policies. This shows that while flexibility has its benefits, it can slow things down if teams aren’t connected. Companies need to ensure their workplace design enables strong collaboration to keep things moving smoothly. 

Emerging technologies

  1. Telepresence robots and virtual receptionist technologies are on the rise, and organizations are taking notice. About 27% of companies believe these robots will play a significant role in shaping the future workplace in the next two to three years, especially for virtual receptionists and remote employees. This trend enables workplaces to enhance security processes and improve the onsite experience, even when dealing with staffing shortages or tighter budgets.
  2. Our research also shows that more than a third of organizations still conduct up to half of their workplace operations manually. Even more striking? A quarter of businesses report that 51% to 75% of their processes depend on manual effort. This highlights a significant opportunity for improvement, as businesses look to streamline operations for better efficiency.
  3. Research by McKinsey shows that companies that make reducing manual processes a priority in their strategic planning are 4X more likely to report success. This suggests that leveraging technology to streamline workflows not only enhances performance but also allows teams to focus on more strategic tasks that drive business growth.

Tech stack consolidation

  1. Many organizations rely on an overwhelming number of tools to stay operational. On average, businesses use more than 300 software applications to remain in operation. This can create silos, making it harder to maintain visibility and control across departments. Plus, redundant software subscriptions with overlapping functionality can add up—to as much as $18 million annually
  2. When generating reports on space utilization, many workplace leaders still rely on multiple tools to piece together a single view. Our survey found that 40% of companies spend 11 or more hours each month compiling these reports, with some leaders reporting 40 hours or more. 
  3. With so many apps in play, it’s no surprise that a majority of businesses are looking for ways to streamline. 78% of companies seek to consolidate their tech stacks or are exploring consolidation options. Doing so can lead to big wins for companies: improved workflow, reduced maintenance, smoother integrations across systems, and cost savings.

Ready to learn more about future-proofing your workplace? Explore our interactive guide to learn the essential security, automation, and data controls to keep your space efficient, safe, and compliant.


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Content Marketing Manager

Tiffany is a content crafter and writer at Envoy, where she helps workplace leaders build a workplace their people love. Outside of work, her passions include spending time with her greyhound, advocating for the Oxford comma, and enjoying really great tea.

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