5 ways a virtual receptionist improves the onsite experience for everyone entering the workplace

Sep 11, 2024
Find out how a virtual receptionist can help your organization improve the workplace experience for everyone who comes onsite.
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Managing a secure and welcoming workplace is no easy task—and it’s even harder when you’re working with a lean team, overseeing multiple locations, or dealing with growing security concerns. Luckily, virtual receptionist technology can free up staff to focus on other critical work, while helping organizations keep their workplace entry points secure and ensure everyone who enters has a positive experience.

But not every virtual receptionist is the same. Some are robots or mere recordings, which aren’t as engaging, responsive, or helpful as a real person. In this post, we’ll show you how solutions that merge technology and human presence can help your organization improve the workplace experience for everyone who comes onsite. 

1. Visitors get a warm welcome and streamlined experience

Virtual presence technology ensures that guests are always welcomed, even when a location is busy or understaffed. After check-in, their host is immediately notified, minimizing lobby wait times. Managers can also review call recordings to ensure team members are greeting visitors according to company standards, enabling continuous improvement of the visitor experience.


2. Employees can quickly regain workplace access if they forget their badge

Everyone forgets or misplaces their badge at times, but a virtual receptionist can help employees get back in quickly without hassle. This saves time and avoids the frustration of being locked out, letting employees get back to work without missing a beat. Small moments like these contribute to a seamless workplace experience, making onsite work more appealing.


3. Everyone feels more secure

Knowing there’s a virtual receptionist at what would otherwise be unstaffed entrances makes folks feel more secure. Remote receptionists ensure that every visitor goes through the proper screening before they’re granted workplace access, allowing organizations to uphold their security standards at every entrance and location. 


4.  Employees can get help locating resources

Whether it’s directions to a specific office, department, or the nearest restroom, a virtual receptionist can help employees navigate the workplace with more ease. This is especially handy for new hires or in large buildings where it’s easy to get lost. By helping employees find what they need, virtual receptionists ensure folks are making the most of office amenities.


5. Contractors, vendors, maintenance crew, and delivery personnel gain quick workplace access

Finally, virtual receptionists can also help people who need workplace access get in and out quickly, even during off-hours. Whether it’s delivering packages, restocking supplies, or keeping the place clean, these folks can do their jobs efficiently without delays. This keeps everything running smoothly and ensures the workplace is always ready for employees and visitors.


Virtual receptionists are the next best thing to having someone in person, keeping your workplace running smoothly and everyone feeling welcome. For more ideas on how this technology can support your organization, visit our website.

For example, say a client arrives early for a meeting. With a virtual receptionist, when the guest checks in, their host is alerted and can greet them promptly, so they don’t have to wait or wonder when they’ll be met, ensuring the client feels valued and everyone’s time is efficiently spent.

An employee leaves their badge at home and needs access to the workplace for an important meeting. Instead of waiting around or calling for help, they simply use the virtual receptionist at the entrance, which verifies their identity and grants them temporary access. 

An unexpected visitor arrives at a biotech lab late in the evening. The virtual receptionist promptly starts the security screening, verifying the visitor's credentials and reason for being there. The system then alerts lab security while keeping the visitor engaged, ensuring safety protocols are followed without causing alarm or disrupting lab operations.

A new employee is having trouble finding the IT department to pick up their equipment. Instead of wandering around or waiting for someone to help, they use the virtual receptionist to get step-by-step directions. Within minutes, they’re on their way, feeling more confident navigating the workplace and less stressed about their first day.

A delivery person arrives at a manufacturing facility after hours with crucial supplies needed for the next day. The virtual receptionist verifies their credentials, grants access, and directs them to the correct drop-off point. The delivery is completed smoothly, ensuring the facility is fully stocked and ready to operate in the morning.


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Content Marketing Manager

Tiffany is a content crafter and writer at Envoy, where she helps workplace leaders build a workplace their people love. Outside of work, her passions include spending time with her greyhound, advocating for the Oxford comma, and enjoying really great tea.

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