Workplace visitor policy guide for a safe and streamlined office

Tailor your visitor policy guide to be in better compliance.
Nov 14, 2019
Workplace visitor policy guide for a safe and streamlined office
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Did you know that one third of companies place workplace security responsibilities entirely on the shoulders of their front desk staff?

This undue pressure exacerbates the fact that front desk staff often lack proper training to effectively tackle these tasks. The resulting vulnerabilities in workplace security could result in non-compliance, and easily lead to burnout for staff in charge of visitor management.

We already know that it’s imperative to have a visitor sign-out policy. Having a visitor sign-in policy is equally as important, as it prevents multiple issues ranging from unauthorized visitors entering the workplace to VIPs going unnoticed.

Workplace technology supports your front desk team to always remain in compliance while delivering a great first impression. Below, you’ll see just what your workplace visitor policy guide should include, and how it will improve workplace experience for both visitors and your team.

Have a more accurate picture of who’s in your office

Because tracking workplace visitors is time consuming for staff, and prone to human error, workplace technology makes visitor registration not only less of a burden, but also more accurate.

Executing visitor management effectively and in a polished manner is critical. To do so, your workplace visitor policy must be clear and coherent, including details such as:

  • Who may permit visitors to enter the workplace.
  • Which types of visitors can enter which areas. Visitor types include:
  • Interviewees, vendors, contractors, former staffers, and business partners.
  • Current full-time and part-time staff and temporary workers.
  • Reminders to issue visitor badges, which should include a name and photo, as well as space and time permissions.

With these foundations in place, tracking visitors during their visit is much simpler. Not only are visitors contained to the areas in which they are permitted, but it’s also easy for any employee to assist them in finding their destination with a quick glance at their badge.

Tailor your visitor policy guide to be in better compliance

Beyond making things easier on your team, tracking visitors is critical for compliance. Whether your untracked visitors are off the grid by accident, or intentional intruders, they are risking your workplace’s compliance with regulations such as ITAR, FSMA, and PCI.

During your visitor’s stay, your workplace visitor policy should dictate:

  • When and where visitors must be escorted, like the exact meeting room an interviewee should be escorted to, as indicated on their email invitation.
  • Restrictions related to where recording and photography is permissible, or how long visitors will have access to Wi-Fi.

When it comes time for a third-party audit, you want to show regulators that your company data –– which encompasses that of your customers, employees, and visitors –– is and always remains protected. The only way to do that is with clearly defined boundaries that are outlined and referred to in your visitor policy guide.

Visitor management staff should understand the types of visitors and their corresponding permissions. To achieve this, training must explain why policies restrict access to certain areas and prohibit certain behaviors. And, in the event those restrictions are ignored, staff must know what to do during security breaches.

Implement training for employees to better manage visitor expectations

Your workplace visitor policy needn’t lose sight of the fact that all visitors deserve a pleasant experience. That can be achieved through proper education of both staff and visitors.

When employees know exactly what to do, they can better manage visitor expectations. For example, they’ll be able to clearly communicate the visitor badge process, or that visitors receive WiFi passwords that expire within a certain number of hours after their visit.

Why digital visitor management helps create a safer, more streamlined workplace

Much of the above can be achieved through pen-and-paper systems. However, when it comes to ensuring workplace security and compliance, digital visitor management is far more effective. There is simply no losing your digital log book.

It’s also important to consider visitors’ first impressions of your company. A tattered notebook and pen that has run dry? Visitors would probably be more impressed by a sleek touchpad that automatically prints their name badge.

Without a comprehensive visitor policy, it’s difficult to know if your visitor management process is in compliance. Without digital visitor management, it’s impossible to know where visitors are during everyday issues that might arise, or even more serious ones, such as an emergency evacuation.

If you know your workplace visitor policy has gaps, get the workplace security report to help with creating or revamping your visitor policy guide.


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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

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This post was written by one of the many writers at Envoy who are passionate about helping educate and inspire workplace leaders. We cover everything from the visitor and employee experience, to space and delivery management, to the workplace tech-stack that keeps it all running.

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