Top 5 trends shaping the future of physical workplace security

In this blog, we highlight key trends for companies looking to improve their workplace security in 2024.
Dec 13, 2023
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Senior Content Marketing Manager Alumni
Top 5 trends shaping the future of physical workplace security
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Workplaces have changed a lot over the last ten years. Gone are the days of traditional visitor registration procedures and access control methods. Today, you’d find digital check-in kiosks, automatic badge printers, and touchless workplace access.

As technology and the threat landscape continue to evolve, so too must workplace security. Today, security is no longer just about physical protection. It’s a far more multifaceted challenge that demands that businesses take a holistic approach. In this blog post, we’ll explore five trends shaping the landscape of workplace security and how they’ll impact companies.

Trend #1: Convergence of physical and digital security

The line between physical and digital security is blurring. We’re in an age where protecting sensitive visitor and employee data is as crucial as protecting physical assets. In response to this, companies are recognizing the need to converge these two domains so they effectively address today’s digital and physical security vulnerabilities. Those that don’t modernize their approach will be vulnerable to evolving threats, jeopardizing their security, reputation, and future success.

One way to modernize? Reducing complicated security tech stacks. Disparate technologies make it harder for security leaders to effectively execute their procedures. When your security team has to navigate various systems and tools to collect visitor and employee data, it increases the vulnerability of that data. It also makes it more difficult for them to effectively process guests and ensure they have clearance to enter the workplace. To avoid these complications, you can implement a streamlined system that empowers your team to collect and securely store data while ensuring that only authorized guests gain access to the workplace.

Trend #2: Increased investment in workplace security

Companies are no longer treating security as an afterthought. A significant shift in workplace security is underway. In fact, according to the results of a recent survey, 62% of businesses plan to allocate more resources to workplace protection in 2024. 

This increased investment reflects the growing understanding that security is a crucial aspect of business strategy. Organizations are aware of the costly consequences that even one breach can have on the business and prefer to prioritize proactive threat avoidance rather than endure potential damages.

Trend #3: Holistic security priorities

To meet the challenges of the future, businesses are diversifying their security priorities. According to respondents of our recent survey, key areas of focus include:

  • Enhancing cybersecurity measures (40%)
  • Investing in advanced surveillance technology (37%)
  • Integrating AI and automation into daily operations (35%)
  • Strengthening physical security infrastructure (33%) 

A comprehensive approach helps organizations keep their physical workplaces and people safe as security threats continue to grow in complexity. By keeping the workplace environment secure, companies can drive business growth, giving themselves competitive advantage.

Trend #4: Flexibility and adaptability

Remote and flexible working arrangements are forcing security measures to adapt accordingly. 20% of respondents of our security survey said they would focus on shifting toward more flexible work, indicating that companies recognize the need for security solutions that cater to these dynamic work environments.

At flexible work organizations, it’s critical to have access to accurate, real-time foot traffic data. By closely monitoring who’s onsite, when, and why, businesses gain invaluable insights into potential vulnerabilities and security risks. They can also use workplace data to:

  • Inform decisions about where to allocate physical security resources, such as surveillance cameras or access control points, to enhance protection where it matters most
  • Refine emergency response protocols based on traffic patterns and the location of individuals within the workplace
  • Tailor security strategies to match the ebb and flow of flexible work arrangements

These insights are essential to ensuring that workplace security remains effective at flexible work organizations.

Trend #5: Emergency response and compliance

Finally, nearly one-third of respondents said they plan to improve emergency response protocols and update their workplace compliance management procedures (32% and 26% respectively) in the next year. This demonstrates a proactive commitment to enhancing workplace safety and regulatory adherence. 

It also suggests that many companies are aware that the security landscape is evolving and are taking proactive measures to stay ahead of potential threats and regulatory changes. This comes as no surprise considering 80% of companies report that a reactive or manual approach to compliance has led to negative consequences for their organization. 

As a new year rapidly approaches, companies are reevaluating their approach to workplace security. They’re recognizing that outdated systems and processes will no longer cut it, given the evolving methods bad actors use to breach organizations. 

More importantly, they understand that investing in a comprehensive approach to workplace security means keeping their organization safe from costly threats now and in the future. 

Ready to uplevel your company’s safety and security? Sign up to our latest webinar or download our latest report.


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Senior Content Marketing Manager Alumni

Amy is a content creator and storyteller at Envoy, where she helps workplace leaders build a workplace their people will love. Outside of work, you can usually find Amy exploring new places, planning her next trip, or enjoying a coffee and croissant in her favorite cafe.

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