10 workplace security tips to protect employees

Your workplace should be safe for everyone. Here are ten tips for developing a workplace security program that protects employees and their big ideas.
Dec 23, 2024
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10 workplace security tips to protect employees

Physical security was the number one workplace blind spot in 2024. And, as more and more employees return to onsite work, it's clear that organizations across industries need to reprioritize it. And, when you consider what's at stake, it's easy to see why. Breaches and attacks can cost organizations a lot financially. Spending on workplace security is set to increase by 14.3% this year, totaling $215 billion.

But don't let the statistics get you down. Before you stress, check out these 10 security tips for your workplace.

1. Secure your front desk with the right tools

The front desk is one of your first lines of defense. Make sure you're armed with the tools you need to keep it secured against bad actors. A visitor management system (VMS), especially one that integrates with the tools you already use, can help you create a more secure and cohesive workplace. Beyond security, a VMS solution offers insights into space usage and occupancy trends. This can come in handy when designing your lobby layout and finding potential security gaps.


2. Offer unique WiFi credentials for visitors

You want every visitor to feel welcome and safe when they walk into your building, and that includes giving them automatic WiFi access. But, offering guests to your network opens you up to potential security threats. To stay protected, take a cue from HP Enterprise subsidiary Aruba: automatically assign unique access codes to visitors who meet entry criteria. This way, you can provide internet access safely and confidently—without worrying about potential threats like hacking or cyberattacks.

3. Cross-reference visitors against a blocklist

Allowing former employees and unsavory characters onsite can lead to catastrophic results. A visitor management system can help by screening visitors and checking them against a blocklist. If someone on the blocklist tries to sign in, the VMS immediately alerts any predesignated groups. You can also screen visitors against custom blocklists and third-party watchlists, from assault records to sex offender registry to property theft or global watchlists. This added layer of security protects your workplace, safeguards your intellectual property, and helps you stay compliant.

4. Monitor who is onsite at all times

Your workplace houses the heart of your business: your employees. So you want to make sure those coming in and out of the building are supposed to be there. Having a simple way to track employee and visitor registrations is key. It’s especially crucial during an emergency—when first responders and safety teams know who’s onsite, they can guide everyone to safety more effectively.

5. Find out which compliance standard you need to follow

Compliance is not fun, but it is essential for securing your workplace. The first step is understanding the laws and regulations that apply to your workplace. This may vary depending on your company’s industry, workplace environment, and location. You’ll want to keep updated with changes to these regulations and laws. Below are six common compliance standards:

  1. The International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) is a set of U.S. government regulations that control the export and import of defense-related technology and services. ITAR is mainly relevant to businesses in the manufacturing industry.
  2. The Export Administration Regulations are U.S. laws that outline the rules for exporting and re-exporting items for both commercial and military use, known as "dual-use" items. For example, a tech company can use encryption software for day-to-day tasks, but another organization could use it for military communications and secure data transfer.
  3. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a U.S. government agency responsible for ensuring safe and healthy working conditions. Compliance with OSHA helps prevent workplace injuries, illnesses, and deaths.
  4. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data protection law in the E.U. that sets guidelines for collecting, processing, and storing personal data. All businesses that process the personal data of E.U. residents must comply with GDPR. 
  5. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a state statute that enhances privacy rights and consumer protection for California residents. This is relevant for all businesses that handle personal data from California residents.
  6. California Senate Bill 553 (SB 553) requires employers in the state to include a workplace violence prevention plan (WVPP) in their Cal/OSHA Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP). These plans must be tailored to each workplace and focus on prevention, intervention, and supporting employees.

6. Install a badgeless access system for employees

Badge entry systems are not as secure as you may think. With the right tools and wrong intentions, anyone can clone a badge and use it to enter a workplace. Luckily, modern technology has come a long way in creating an easier solution: smartphones. We carry them around all day, and now we can use them to safely and securely enter a building or room. By using phone-based access control software, you can keep your workplace secure while making it convenient for your team (who may have forgotten their badges).

7. Use a password protection tool

Every employee uses several platforms and apps to get through their day’s work. Keeping track of all those passwords is not only a headache but also a workplace security concern. Consider investing in a single sign-on tool like Okta that secures a number of login credentials under one main password. This will help keep your employees’ passwords secure in one place and limit the possibility of hacks.

8. Capture data to better understand your workplace

Access to real-time workplace data wasn't really a consideration a few years ago. But modern tools have changed the calculus. A visitor management system can sync with your broader workplace tech stack and reveal key insights about your space. By pulling data from several sources (including digital check-ins, ID scans, visitor pre-registrations, and badge swipes), these solutions give you a better understanding of your workplace. Here are a few examples of metrics you can monitor with a VMS:

  • Entry and exit data. This can provide insights into peak hours, visit duration, and overall space usage, which can inform staffing and resourcing decisions.
  • Visitor patterns. Analyzing visitor data helps identify who's coming onsite and pinpoint security needs.
  • Volume of denied entries. Tracking this shows you how effective your security plan is and highlights areas needing additional coverage.

9. Protect your workplace with an emergency notification system

Every company, no matter the industry, needs a fast and reliable way to keep employees and visitors safe and accounted for during emergencies. That’s where emergency notification systems come in. These systems send real-time alerts through SMS, email, and push notifications so that everyone gets the critical information they need, no matter where they are onsite.

But sending an alert is only part of the solution—you also need to verify that everyone received it. In some industries, failing to do so can lead to compliance issues. To stay prepared, keep contact information for all onsite personnel up to date so no one misses an important emergency alert.

10. Provide security training and resources to employees

Employees often make mistakes that may seem harmless, like letting unauthorized guests in. But, these "harmless" mistakes can actually open opportunities for bad actors. Your employees are the most important pieces of your security task force. So be sure to arm them with helpful tips to stay protected. By hosting training sessions on topics like tailgating, you can feel more confident about securing your workplace. 

Additionally, it's a must for employees to know where emergency exits and first aid kids are at. Interactive maps can help employees and visitors better navigate your workplace during emergencies.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to security in the workplace. But the right tool can make it a lot easier. Check out our buyer's guide for workplace security software to find out what to look for when evaluating solutions.

Discover how business leaders are rethinking office spaces, RTO policies, and real estate investments to drive efficiency and engagement in 2025.

We partnered with Hanover Research to survey business leaders on the biggest workplace trends shaping 2025.

Here’s a snapshot of what we found:

  • 65% have increased their year-over-year workplace budgets.
  • Only 49% of leaders are measuring how their workspaces are being used.
  • 73% say Gen Z will drive companies toward more flexible work models.


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Content Marketing Manager

Maria is a content marketing manager at Envoy, where she helps workplace leaders build a workplace their people love. Outside of work, her passions include exploring the outdoors, checking out local farmers' markets, and drinking way too much coffee.

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