5 simple strategies to increase efficiency in the workplace

May 25, 2023
Looking to increase workplace efficiency and reap its many benefits? Check out these five simple strategies.
Tiffany Fowell
Content Marketing Manager
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Running an efficient workplace is important no matter your industry. Efficiency enables an organization to accomplish more with fewer resources, leading to benefits such as higher profitability, increased agility, and lower employee turnover. With so many benefits, it’s easy to understand why efficiency is an important metric for workplace leaders. To reap the benefits of an efficient workplace, you need a game plan. In this post, we’ll share five simple strategies you can use to make your workplace more efficient. Let’s dive in.

What is workplace efficiency and why does it matter?

Workplace efficiency refers to a company’s ability to create a space where employees can be their most productive using the minimum amount of resources, time, and effort. An efficient workplace can lead to higher productivity, increased agility, better employee retention, and a competitive edge. To create an efficient workplace, companies need to optimize their space, invest in workplace technologies, and help their employees make the most of onsite resources.

5 strategies to increase the efficiency of your workplace

Now you know what workplace efficiency is and why it matters. Next let’s take a look at a few strategies you can try out to boost the efficiency of your workplace.

1. Overhaul dated processes and establish new ones

The first thing to do to build a more efficient workplace is to replace dated systems and processes. Not sure where to start? Take a close look at your company’s visitor management, space management, and employee onboarding processes. These areas are commonly overlooked and, once improved, can go a long way in helping to create a more efficient workplace. For example, say your company still signs visitors into the workplace manually. As a result, your front desk staff has to go through a time-consuming check-in process every time a guest visits. By implementing a visitor management solution, you can streamline this process to save time, save time for your visitor, the front desk team, and the host.Next, you should conduct a gap analysis to identify systems and processes your workplace is missing. Are there aspects of your day-to-day that could be improved by introducing a new system or process? For example, instead of spending time each day dealing with package deliveries, you could introduce mailroom management software to automate package pickups. Meet with your team and brainstorm ways you can reduce manual, tedious tasks by improving your processes. Then, come up with a plan to introduce new systems and processes that help to reduce your team’s pain points and work more efficiently.

2. Capture workplace data to improve your space and enable more efficiency

Another strategy for increasing workplace efficiency is getting clear on how people interact with your space. That’s where data comes in. Data enables you to see which of your workplace strategies need improvement. For example, maybe you’ve rearranged your space to encourage employees to book more meeting rooms. Workplace data can help you gauge the success of these changes.Data also helps workplace leaders use their budgets more efficiently. It helps them spot underused areas of the workplace so they can convert it to the types of space employees prefer. By reducing wasted space onsite, leaders can allocate their spend to ensure they’re getting the most out of their limited resources.

3. Make finding and booking space onsite more efficient

Next up: space booking. In an efficient workplace, employees can easily find and book the best spot to work. Help employees find the best place to work by providing plenty of space types. The right types of space can encourage collaboration among team members, leading to better communication and more efficient problem solving. Remember to accommodate different working styles and employee preferences. Poll your employees to learn what types of space they want. Better yet, analyze your workplace data to discover preferences in where your employees like to work onsite. Finally, make it easy for folks to book space by providing them with the right tools. Look for meeting room booking software and a desk booking system. These tools make it easy for employees to find and book a meeting room or desk right from their phone or desktop.

4. Invest in technology that automates workplace tasks

Speaking of technology, it’s no surprise that it’s had a major impact on workplace efficiency. When email replaced the fax machine, businesses were able to communicate with customers easier and faster than before. The same is true for workplace technologies, which are designed to make workplaces run smoother and more efficiently. Consider implementing an all-in-one solution, such as a workplace platform. This will help your team automate complex or repetitive tasks like notifying hosts every time a guest arrives and freeing up meeting rooms if no one checks in. To implement new technologies successfully, be sure to create a roll-out plan that includes dates, action items, and stakeholders associated with each part of the plan. This will help you stay on track and minimize confusion or pushback from employees. For more tips, check out this blog post.

5. Train your employees on workplace systems and technologies

Finally, it’s important to train your employees on your workplace systems and technologies. This ensures folks make the most of them, so they actually work to increase workplace efficiency. For example, you might want to train your employees on your company’s meeting room best practices and booking technology. Trainings like this help folks know what’s expected of them when they’re onsite, which leads to a more streamlined and efficient workplace experience.Remember to document any new systems and processes you create to ensure clarity and enable employee adoption. Documentation will also save your team time when it comes to training new folks on the nuances of how your workplace operates. — Workplace efficiency is critical for the success of any organization. But figuring out how to achieve it without significant increases in resources can be tough. With the right approach and tools, however, you can increase workplace efficiency and reap its many benefits.


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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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Content Marketing Manager

Tiffany is a content crafter and writer at Envoy, where she helps workplace leaders build a workplace their people love. Outside of work, her passions include spending time with her greyhound, advocating for the Oxford comma, and enjoying really great tea.

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