Envoy survey reveals today’s top workplace challenges

Oct 2, 2024
The results are in! Find out what workplace leaders say are their current most pressing onsite issues.
Tiffany FowellEnvoy Logo
Content Marketing Manager
Marketing Specialist

We recently teamed up with Hanover Research to survey organizations about their biggest workplace challenges. We shared what we learned in our new infographic, including what companies can do to solve them. Want to learn how these insights can impact your workplace? Take a look at the snapshot below, and check out the full infographic for a deeper dive into the results.

Workplace challenges abound—but so do opportunities for improvement

The survey respondents made it clear: challenges span every area of the workplace, from the front desk to meeting rooms, collaboration spaces, side entrances, and beyond. Here are some of the main challenges organizations face and ways they can address them.

  • Challenge 1: Disparate data and manual collection. Nearly half of companies spend 11+ hours a month manually compiling reports. Beyond manual collection woes, many workplace leaders still don’t have all the data they need to make smart decisions about their space and resources. Investing in solutions that consolidate workplace data into a single platform provides a complete look at how the workplace is used, simplifying analysis and saving time.
  • Challenge 2: Growing physical security concerns. Hybrid schedules and managing multiple locations make maintaining consistent security a major challenge. Integrated security systems help organizations manage access, enhance visitor experiences, and keep unwanted guests out of the workplace. 
  • Challenge 3: Inefficient and underutilized space. Organizations are still adjusting to flexible working styles, with 47% having delayed critical business decisions due to remote or hybrid work policies. Over half of workplace leaders plan to redesign underused spaces to accommodate flexible work styles, making these areas more appealing for onsite work. Navigating flexible setups can be tricky, but companies can thrive with the right strategies and employee-friendly tools. This includes tools such as interactive maps and booking systems, which enhance the onsite experience and provide workplace leaders with valuable data to adjust space quickly in a flexible work environment.
  • Challenge 4: Staying ahead of technology trends. 27% of organizations anticipate telepresence robots for virtual receptionists or remote employees will significantly shape the future of the workplace in the next 2-3 years. This technology enables remote support and better oversight to help workplace leaders keep their space secure and efficient.

Ready to dive deeper into these insights? Explore our infographic for a comprehensive look at today’s top workplace challenges and how your organization can solve them. 


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Content Marketing Manager

Tiffany is a content crafter and writer at Envoy, where she helps workplace leaders build a workplace their people love. Outside of work, her passions include spending time with her greyhound, advocating for the Oxford comma, and enjoying really great tea.

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