The latest Envoy Protect features you need to reopen safely

Aug 24, 2020
Envoy has released new data-rich reports and features that help workplace leaders make more confident decisions to welcome employees to your office safely.
Madison SteinEnvoy Logo
Head of Brand and Content Alumni
Marketing Specialist

After months of remote work and empty office buildings, workplaces are beginning to reopen. Leaders from workplace, facilities, HR, security, and IT teams are coming together to form cross-functional tiger teams to address return-to-work challenges. Their focus: keep their employees safe as they head back to the office. With the exception of some essential businesses, most companies have landed on a phased approach to reopening. This gives them the opportunity to learn from each phase and stay flexible as they move in and out of different phases. But the biggest challenge that these tiger teams face is a lack of workplace data as they’re making key decisions. These decisions could not only be expensive, but they also affect the health and safety of employees and anyone else coming into the office.

The right data can inform your team on how to keep employees safe and productive and protect your business from liability. That’s why Envoy has released new data-rich reports and features that can help workplace leaders make more confident decisions to welcome employees to your workplace safely.

Capacity management reports

With Envoy Protect, you can set and enforce a capacity limit for how many people can be in your workplace at any time. Once you reach capacity, Envoy will automatically stop employees and visitors from being able to sign-in and alert your team so they can approve or deny entry. This helps keep your people safe by preventing overcrowding. You’ll also minimize risk to your business by ensuring all of your spaces meet social distancing regulations.You can track capacity and occupancy data in a few different ways in Envoy Protect:

  • View a location’s current capacity status on your dashboard
  • Receive a report on tomorrow’s expected capacity in your email
  • Get alerted when someone attempts to sign in when your location is already at capacity

This data is critical to identifying potential threats and dangerous situations, like overcrowding or breaking regulations.

Protect analytics: Expected vs. actual arrivals

Keeping a pulse on daily office activity will be pivotal throughout each phase of your reopening. Envoy Protect’s new analytics dashboard gives you a real-time view of what is happening in your space. This gives workplace teams awareness of what’s happening on-site, even when they are not physically in the office. You can even view analytics across all your locations in the global analytics view.

Envoy’s own Head of Workplace and Technology, Matt Harris, shared how he uses these reports to stay informed. “Checking Protect analytics helps me understand what the trend is so I know what to expect moving forward. This data helps me predict what actual occupancy will be each day. And this gives me insights to plan ahead for high occupancy days.” For example, in the graphs below, you can compare how many employees registered for the day to how many actually signed in at each of your office locations.

With these insights, you can dig-in to understand the trends. This can help you make more informed decisions such as:

  • Providing enough PPE supplies each day
  • Staffing the office with more security or cleaning personnel on high-capacity days
  • Planning for deep cleans on low-capacity days

Protect analytics: Capacity by day

Another important graph that Harris uses in the Protect analytics dashboard is the capacity management view. Harris shared that “this data helps me see how full we expect the office to be. This way, if the expected number is ever close to the limit, I can take steps to make sure that the actual number won’t hit.”

“This is where close cross-functional partnership comes into play,” shares Harris. “I look at this with my colleagues in HR, on the people team, and in workplace tech so we can understand how much capacity we have in the office. This helps us answer questions like: Are we staffed to deal with this many people? Do we have enough desks for employees? Is my space adjusted for social distancing?” Understanding your occupancy data gives you the data you need to back up potentially expensive decisions.

Protect analytics: Frequent employees

Knowing expected occupancy and understanding trends are important. But at the end of the day, these are people who are coming into the office. Envoy Protect’s analytics allows you to see who exactly is coming into the office and how often. Harris says he uses this to understand and get insights from “power-users,” to better craft the workplace experience for them. “I love being able to see what teammates are coming into the office during each phase. I can reach out to them to validate that our processes are working. I can see if there are certain teams that are using the office more often. This allows our team to optimize how the office works for that team or even for one individual. For instance, if I notice that Elizabeth is coming in every day I can assign her a designated desk so she feels even more comfortable returning to a space that she knows is clean each day.”

Now available with Envoy Protect

Capacity management and analytics are now available in Envoy Protect’s Premium and Enterprise plans. We’ll be updating and improving Protect analytics in the coming weeks with even more reports that can help you make informed decisions about staffing, cleaning schedules, and workplace shifts. With Protect, you get the tools and data that you need to keep your employees and your business safe.

Access these reports and analytics in Envoy Protect today or get in touch with our Sales team for a demo.


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Head of Brand and Content Alumni

Madison is a writer, story-teller, and problem-solver at Envoy, where she inspires workplace teams to make the workplace work better. When she's not thinking of clever puns in the office, you can find her on the beach with her dog, planning her next vacation, or exploring new restaurants in San Francisco.

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