4 reasons delivery management software benefits workplace experience

Jan 29, 2020
It’s no secret that the concept of work/life balance has shifted to the idea of work/life blend. As employees adapt, companies should adjust employee services at work.
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Marketing Specialist

When you think about delivery management software, most of the time, your mind likely goes to your smartphone. The notifications you get about package tracking and arrival keeps you confident and informed about online purchases. It’s a convenient service that keeps our desire for immediate gratification at bay. If you know where your stuff is, it’s almost as good as getting it, right?

Now, let’s take that concept a go a little macro with it. What happens with packages that employees have delivered to work? Could you duplicate external delivery management in the workplace and eliminate extra work for the front office at the same time? Employees are happier and more focused, and they view package delivery at work as a valued perk.

Not so long ago, an online purchase looked something like this:

  1. You order a laptop online and wait for it to arrive.
  2. A notification arrives: your laptop will be delivered between 1:00 and 5:00, but someone needs to be home to confirm delivery.
  3. You can’t be home to sign for it, so there’s a slip at your door telling you to pick it up––during office hours.
  4. You have to ask for some time off to go to the depot to pick up your laptop.
  5. If you get permission, you lose part of your day, and the company loses your productivity (and, possibly, you lose money, too).
  6. If you can’t get permission, your laptop gets returned to the sender, and you have to pay a restocking fee and start the whole process over again.

It wasn’t pretty. Still, undeterred, people bought things online, but they had the packages delivered to them at work. But as online shopping exploded, and the boxes piled up every day, the front office staff was quickly overwhelmed. Something had to give.

Delivery management software as an employee benefit

Following the delivery management model for external packages, companies are quickly addressing the office delivery issue by bringing in workplace technology that works in much the same way. Delivery management, or office mail management, allows the front desk staff to document the arrival of a package and notify its recipient with a single click. By snapping a picture of the shipping label, office staff members can reduce the time package delivery requires to mere seconds.

Meanwhile, employees get an instant notification—by text, email, Slack, or your company’s internal messaging system, instructing them how to retrieve their parcel. Once the employee has picked it up, the system notes that the package has made it safely to its owner.

Small technological footprint for massive workplace experience impact

As the volume of packages continues to increase, so does the chance of lost or misdelivered items. That begs a thorny question: who’s at fault if an employee’s purchases are lost after they’ve been delivered to the office? Mailroom management software can eliminate the issue altogether. Here’s why.

  • Automation circumvents human error. If the front desk or mailroom staff receives package deliveries manually, a simple spelling mistake or incorrect digit can send a package into metaphorical oblivion. A shipment can sit on the loading dock or clutter up the lobby if the recipient doesn’t even know the box is there. But notifying individuals about delivery arrivals can be tedious and time-consuming, and it’s way too easy to forget one or two. Delivery management software automates this process. As soon as a label is photographed, it’s also in the record as received.
  • Package tracking after delivery. What’s going on with the delivery? Should employees pick up your package at the front desk, the mailroom, the shipping department, or will someone bring it to them directly? Delivery management software keeps employees updated about the location of the package after it’s been received and recorded. This workplace technology helps employees keep track of their deliveries for more than just the last mile—it tracks it right into their hands.
  • Free up time for other tasks. Automation of repetitive and time-consuming jobs has provided opportunities for employees to take on more challenging and meaningful work. That’s not to say that these professionals are being replaced by software—in this case, it’s quite the opposite. Front-desk personnel have new responsibilities to improve the workplace experience—everything from enhanced visitor and employee hospitality and services, lobby management, event planning, and more.

Workplace technology employees definitely use—a lot

Adding a new workplace technology requires a strategy that most employees never see. Compatibility with existing systems is always a concern, but more frequently, the worry is adaptability. “If we get this, will people use it?” has probably been asked at some point in every meeting room in the world.

The beauty of delivery management software is that it finds people where they already are. So integration with Slack, text, email, the phone system, and other intra-office messaging systems ensures that employees will see it—and will embrace its value. When a package arrives, the system notifies the employee, providing information about the delivery’s location, and, if a company wants, gives an “end date” for pickup. Of course, if an employee hasn’t picked up the package as the date draws nearer, the system will send reminders. Employees will come to depend upon the notifications.

Deliver a balanced and manageable workplace experience

It’s no secret that the concept of work/life balance has shifted to the idea of work/life blend. Just as employees are adapting personal lives to include their jobs, so must companies adjust employee services at work to make room for personal business. Delivery management software enables employees to maintain or even raise productivity while allowing them to receive deliveries at work. Since it also speeds up the receiving and delivery process, it’s also great for companies to bring a much-needed and appreciated service to employees without sacrificing time or expense.

Interested in learning more about delivery management software and how it can positively impact both facilities and workplace experience management? Get the definitive delivery management ebook.


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Marketing Specialist

Pamela is passionate about writing content to help educate and inspire workplace leaders. She covers everything from the visitor and employee experience to space management, to the workplace tech-stack that keeps it all running.

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