6 ways a workplace platform can fuel hybrid work

Jun 21, 2022
A workplace platform offers a solution to the loss of productivity and distraction that comes with having too many tools. Here are 6 key benefits.
Maria AkhterEnvoy Logo
Content Marketing Manager
Marketing Specialist
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In the last year, we’ve learned a lot about what makes a hybrid office work. For example, hot desking, flexible employee schedules, and high-quality video equipment. We’ve also learned what can be harmful to an office, such as high costs, inaccurate resourcing, and too many workplace tools.In order to create a seamless workplace experience, workplace leaders have to consider how technology plays a role in an employee’s work day.  Using too many disconnected tools can be distracting and frustrating for employees. A workplace platform offers a solution to the loss of productivity and distraction that comes with having too many tools. A workplace platform that houses all tools in one centralized place allows companies to create easier, more flexible, and more enjoyable workplaces.

There are several benefits to having a workplace platform. And while it may seem like a lot of work to invest in new tech, we promise it’ll pay off in the long run.Let’s go over a few benefits together:

1. Easier for employees to use and admins to manage

Tool fatigue can be a very overwhelming feeling, especially when you’re adjusting to a new way of working. All of the personal administrative tasks people do like booking a desk or placing a lunch order can add up if every tool they’re using is different and disconnected. Just think of all the passwords you have to memorize!A workplace platform connects all of those tasks onto one, easy-to-use workflow. For example, when an employee registers for the day, it’ll automatically book their preferred desk. Or if they’ve invited a visitor to the office, they’ll receive a notification of their visitors’ arrival in real-time. Plus, with a mobile workplace platform, they can do all of this on their phone while sitting on the train or walking up the steps to the office (just don’t trip). Rather than having to switch between tools on their desktop, employees can quickly and easily access all they need to get their workplace admin tasks done in one app on their smartphone.

2. Reduced time and cost

With tools designed to work together, you can expect to save on annual software expenses, installation fees, forgotten auto-subscribes, and other costs. Since a workplace platform is an all-in-one solution, you can buy in bundles and have better visibility into your finances. Plus, rolling out and implementing technology takes time and effort for IT teams (and your employees). Implementing just one tool versus five gives everyone valuable time back.

3. Better security features

Smart security devices have become popular for households looking for top-grade home security. Why? Because the front cameras, back cameras, and alarms are all connected and easily accessible through an app. Well, a workplace platform may not allow you to capture a video of everyone who walks into your office, but it does record the names and information of everyone who enters your spaces. (Plus, it may integrate with a video security tool that does just that.) A workplace platform will give you data on your visitor and employee registrations, so you’ll have a record of who’s on-site, when, and why at all times. Plus, if you integrate your platform with your access control solution, you can make sure your building stays secure by approving who can enter the building. You can even customize what level of access they have to your space. This way, you can feel confident knowing that you’re protecting your people, data, and intellectual property.

4. More comprehensive workplace data

A workplace platform also provides a full picture of how people use the office and its resources like desks and meeting rooms. When you get a birds-eye view of how employees use your office spaces, you can make changes or improvements that help you get a good return on your workplace investments.For example, if you notice only half of the desks are being used on any given day, you can suggest removing a few desks and add phone booths and work pods instead. Or maybe your meeting room analytics shows you that there are no available meeting rooms on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That will help you decide if you need to add more meeting spaces or encourage teams to come on other days of the week.With a global analytics dashboard, you’ll be able to see all of your data, manage your resources, and plan ahead for expected changes in space demand or occupancy.

5. Streamlined IT support

As an IT professional, you interact with dozens of tickets every day. Maybe an employee is having a hard time reserving a desk or maybe they can’t figure out how to connect their computer to the video conferencing setup.When tickets come in from a bunch of disjointed tools, you have to spend more time and energy figuring out how to address the issue your employee has with that specific tool. With a connected platform, you can cut down on time and energy and follow a similar process for all tickets. Plus, if someone wants to request a new feature, you can just contact one customer service representative rather than a bunch of different companies.

6. More productivity

Lastly, a workplace platform allows your people and your organization to be more productive. When employees save time using a workplace platform, they can use that time towards actually getting work done. Having to switch between tools to get tasks done in the office can be a distraction. In fact, companies could have saved 257 hours in a year with better processes and tools in place. A workplace platform that allows employees to do their best work leads to organizational productivity. For example, you and your IT team can be more productive if they only have to operate in one platform. This allows for your team to focus on other initiatives and reduces organizational spend on inefficiencies.


A workplace platform solves many pressing challenges for companies who want to create a workplace their employees love. Employees are navigating new modes of working, so be sure to provide workplace tools that support their journey and allow them to do their best work.


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Content Marketing Manager

Maria is a content marketing manager at Envoy, where she helps workplace leaders build a workplace their people love. Outside of work, her passions include exploring the outdoors, checking out local farmers' markets, and drinking way too much coffee.

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