4 ways technology and data can improve workplace community

Sep 28, 2023
Learn how technology and data are key to keeping your people connected and your workplace community thriving.
Amy KirkhamEnvoy Logo
Senior Content Marketing Manager Alumni
Marketing Specialist

In today’s world, everything is connected. With the help of technology, we can notify someone about a project status in seconds, or call someone and chat to them immediately. Technology bridges the gap between many parts of our lives–and it’s no different for the workplace. A thriving workplace community relies on technology and data. When workplace leaders can understand how people collaborate and connect with each other, they can make informed decisions about their space. This might be as simple as putting more couches in a popular social area. Or it could be deciding to invest in an entirely new workspace that better suits peoples’ collaborative needs.In this blog post, we’ll explore how both technology and data can enhance your workplace community, keeping people collaborating and connected when they’re onsite.

1. Interactive maps

One of the main challenges companies face is maintaining a workplace community despite the physical distance between teams in the office. When people can’t sit close together, company culture can sometimes become siloed or cliquey. The good news is that there are many technologies and tools out there to help you tackle such problems–and interactive maps is a star example. Interactive maps is a digital layout of your workplace, showing where coworkers, amenities, and spaces like desks and meeting rooms are around the office. For employees, having an interactive map has many benefits, including making it easy to search for someone or somewhere by name or see a birds-eye view of the customized map. So how does this help workplace community thrive? By empowering employees to quickly locate coworkers, you can foster spontaneous interactions and collaboration between people. What’s more, when folks can find their way around quickly and easily, the office feels a lot less like a maze and more like… well, an office!


Imagine a new employee, Jane, joining your team. Instead of wasting time looking for space and people, Jane can simply pull up the interactive map. Using this, she can search for her coworker John and find the quickest route to his desk. This not only saves time but also encourages spontaneous interactions and dilutes any initial newbie-nerves. A win-win!The takeaway? An office that's easy to navigate fosters a sense of belonging and community.

2. Mobile platforms

In an age of information overload, important announcements can sometimes get lost in the shuffle. Especially when they’re sent in Slack or Teams, where conversations move fast and plenty. Companies today can utilize their workplace mobile app to send employees push notifications or reminders about anything work-related. For example, you might want to send an automatic push notification when someone physically checks into the office. Or, you might want to send reminders about any community-building activities, workshops, or lunches that are happening to keep folks in the loop. These notifications not only boost participation and attendance to these events (nobody likes to sit on their own for lunch, right?) – but can also be key to fostering a workplace community and keeping people connected.


Consider a company that hosts weekly community lunches. By sending push notifications through their mobile app, they ensure that employees are reminded of these gatherings. This simple nudge can lead to higher attendance and more opportunities for team bonding.The result? A mobile platform that keeps everyone informed and connected, strengthening the workplace community.

3. Data-driven insights

Understanding when and how employees use your workplace can be a game changer for your business. Workplace data analytics can reveal important patterns and trends, such as which days see maximum attendance or which meeting rooms are most popular. Armed with this knowledge, you can make smarter decisions that help elevate your workplace community. This might be through organizing team events on popular days or redesigning your workspace to facilitate better collaboration.


If data shows that Wednesdays have the highest office attendance, a company might choose this day to host team-building activities. This ensures maximum participation and fosters a sense of community.The bottom line? Data-driven insights allow businesses to be proactive, ensuring that their strategies align with their community-building goals.

4. Space usage analytics

Are some desks in your workplace always occupied while others remain empty? Do you know which meeting rooms are the most popular versus ones that are underutilized? Space usage data can provide the answers. By understanding how employees use different areas of the office, businesses can optimize their spaces, ensuring that they cater to the needs of their teams while also promoting interactions and community building.


If analytics reveal that a particular lounge area is popular for impromptu meetings, a company might choose to enhance this space with comfortable seating or tech amenities. Conversely, underutilized spaces can be repurposed to better serve the needs of employees.The implication? By optimizing spaces based on actual usage, you can create an environment that promotes interaction and community building.--In today's digital age, technology and data are more than just tools; they're catalysts that can transform the workplace community. By leveraging these resources, businesses can create an environment where employees feel connected, valued, and engaged. After all, a united team is the backbone of any successful organization. Embrace the power of technology and data, and watch your workplace community flourish. Interested in more? Check out our newest report on workplace community and how fostering it can lead to business success.


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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Senior Content Marketing Manager Alumni

Amy is a content creator and storyteller at Envoy, where she helps workplace leaders build a workplace their people will love. Outside of work, you can usually find Amy exploring new places, planning her next trip, or enjoying a coffee and croissant in her favorite cafe.

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