4 main benefits of touchless technology in the workplace

Jun 11, 2020
Technology has always played a critical role in facilitating changes throughout the workplace.
Madison SteinEnvoy Logo
Head of Brand and Content Alumni
Marketing Specialist

Just a few months ago, tools like Zoom, Slack, and Google Drive, which have always been pivotal tools for remote work, exploded into greater importance as more teams started working from home amid COVID-19. Now, as companies are slowly transitioning back into the office, touchless technology is likely to become the new normal.

Touchless technology is anything that can operate without needing to physically touch the device that you’re trying to operate. This can be simple gesture technology, like turning on a faucet with the wave of your hand. Or signing-in to a workplace without needing to tap on a shared iPad.  But what exactly can touchless technology do for your workplace? Here are four main benefits that touchless technology can provide to your business.

1. Health and safety

Health and safety are top of mind when it comes to thinking about no-touch technology. It's key to minimize the spread of germs and make sure you’re taking care of everyone in your space. A touchless office environment can give workers more confidence that their health is a priority as they work at a desk with their coworkers nearby.

2. Efficiency

There’s also a layer of efficiency here. Touchless technology can help to cut costs, errors, and manual work. Touchless technology can help a smart building reduce energy costs by detecting how many people are in the office and automatically adjusting temperature or lights. Envoy’s Head of Workplace Technology, Matt Harris, explains that “any surface that people don't need to touch is another surface that can't spread the virus. And another surface that we don’t need to prioritize cleaning. Anything that gets touched has to get cleaned, which is expensive and logistically complex.”

3. Control

“Beyond preventing the spread of germs, a key benefit of touchless technology is the control that it provides for the workplace team,” says Berhard Mehl, CEO and co-founder of the cloud access control company, Kisi.  “They can manage how employees and visitors interact with the space, enforce important policies, and get insights into how the workplace is being used. And they can do it all remotely. There’s long term value to implementing this technology.”

4. Brand

For modern offices, creating touchless experiences also shows that you’ve thought of every last detail of your workplace experience and have made steps to take the burden off employees and guests when they come onsite. This also has a cutting-edge appeal that shows that your company is forward-thinking. This can do wonders to impress investors, potential employees, and clients. “When people think about the technology ‘of the future’ it's almost always touchless,” says Harris. “Self-driving cars? No steering wheel. Smart lights at home? Tell Alexa to turn on your lights. Door locks? The door opens when you walk up to it. Shouldn't our workplaces work the same way?”

Want more expert tips for using touchless technology to create a safe workplace? Check out our latest ebook, The workplace leader’s guide to touchless technology.

Apply to join the Envoy Protect beta to get touchless sign-in for your workplace.


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Head of Brand and Content Alumni

Madison is a writer, story-teller, and problem-solver at Envoy, where she inspires workplace teams to make the workplace work better. When she's not thinking of clever puns in the office, you can find her on the beach with her dog, planning her next vacation, or exploring new restaurants in San Francisco.

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