How a visitor management system can help manufacturers be compliant

May 30, 2024
Learn how a visitor management system can help you conquer compliance and be regulatory-ready in 2024 and beyond.
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Senior Content Marketing Manager Alumni
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With so many regulations and policies to follow, it's no surprise manufacturers find it challenging to navigate today's regulatory environment. Different plants and warehouse locations mean there are always new rules to adhere to. Since 1981, the federal government has issued an average of 1.5 new manufacturing-related regulations each week. Staying compliant with an international mindmap of regulations, laws, and policies can be overwhelming. But don’t fret. In this post, we’ll cover exactly how you can stay on top of regulations and compliance with a visitor management system (VMS).

4 ways a visitor management system helps manufacturers be compliant

A visitor management system does more than help you track and manage visitor access to your facilities, including registration, check-in/check-out flows, and badge issuance. They also help manufacturers adhere to compliance standards and regulations through several key features and capabilities. These include:

1. Customized sign-in for every visitor type

A visitor management system enables manufacturers to customize the sign-in process for different visitor types, such as contractors, vendors, or clients. This customization ensures that specific information and documents required by compliance standards are collected for each type of visitor. For example, contractors might need to provide safety certifications and sign NDAs, while other guests could be required to watch a safety video.

2. Digitized visitor logs for potential audits

A VMS can help manufacturers maintain accurate visitor logs by tracking each visitor's details and activities during their visit. These platforms automatically record the time of entry and exit for every visitor, along with any other required information, such as the purpose of the visit or whom they are meeting. By keeping comprehensive and up-to-date records, manufacturers can ensure they are prepared for any potential audits.

3. Emergency notification plans for Senate Bill 553

California Senate Bill 553 (SB 553) sets new standards for workplace violence prevention, paving the way for other states to follow suit. Manufacturers can use a VMS to meet one of the law's primary requirements: implementing an emergency notification plan. With a VMS, manufacturers can instantly send mass emergency alerts to all onsite employees and visitors, providing essential details about the nature of the emergency and evacuation routes. Some modern solutions also allow employees to confirm their safety during emergencies via SMS, email, or mobile apps.

4. Integrations with access control systems

Integrating your access control systems with a VMS can enable centralized management of entry points and user permissions. With Envoy, for example, you can ensure that only authorized individuals can access specific parts of a premises. This can help you adhere to compliance standards and laws, which mandate secure access to prevent unauthorized entry and protect both people and sensitive information.

Regulation and compliance standards that should be on a manufacturer’s radar

Listing every single compliance standard for the manufacturing industry is impossible. One health and safety procedure might be standard in the U.S. but not in other plants and sites worldwide. The key thing to note is that compliance standards can vary widely, depending on your location and the types of goods produced. 

Here are a few of the top compliance standards that you should always be monitoring:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

This federal agency, operating as a part of the U.S. Department of Labor, sets and enforces workplace safety and health standards. Businesses, particularly those in manufacturing, must comply with OSHA regulations. This entails everything from adhering to their safety standards, providing adequate employee training and resources, storing personal data securely, and maintaining a safe workplace environment. Any instances of non-compliance can result in significant financial penalties—starting at $16,131 per violation and growing up to $161,323 for repeated offenses.

California Senate Bill 553 (SB 553)

If your business has a location in California, you'll likely have to adhere to this new legislation. SB 553 requires employers to develop their own workplace violence prevention plans (WVPPs) as part of their California Occupational Health and Safety Administration (Cal/OSHA) Injury and Illness Prevention Plans (IIPP). WVPPs must be tailored to each employer's workplace, with the primary goals of prevention, intervention, and employee assistance. Fines for non-compliance start from $18,000 per violation and rise as high as $25,000

International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)

ITAR is a set of U.S. regulations that control the export and import of defense-related technology and services on the United States Munitions List (USML). Its goal is to ensure that a company's products, technologies, and services don't fall into the wrong hands and create a national security threat. Compliance entails registering with the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), ensuring foreign entities can't access ITAR data stored in the cloud, and implementing strict access control measures. The DDTC manages the list of businesses that can deal in USML services and goods. However, it's up to each company to establish the right policies to ensure ITAR compliance.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR is a comprehensive data protection law in the European Union (E.U.) that sets guidelines for collecting, processing, and storing personal data. All businesses that process the personal data of E.U. residents, regardless of their location, must comply with GDPR. For businesses, this involves:

  • Obtaining explicit consent for data collection.
  • Ensuring data security.
  • Reporting data breaches promptly.
  • Upholding individuals' rights to access and control their data.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) 

The CCPA is a state statute that gives California residents greater control over their personal data. Any business, regardless of their location, that handles personal data from California residents must comply. This law allows individuals to know how their information is used, shared, or sold, and they can request its deletion or opt out of its sale. More specifically, compliance involves:

  • Transparent data handling practices.
  • Responding to consumer data access requests.
  • Implementing measures to protect consumer data.

FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

The FSMA is a reform of food-related laws that aims to ensure the safety of the U.S. food supply by shifting the focus from responding to contamination to preventing it. Per the regulation, food facilities have to implement comprehensive, science-based preventive controls across their entire food supply chain. Compliance involves implementing hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls, maintaining stringent record-keeping, and allowing regular inspections.

Tying it together with a visitor management system

Since laws and regulations are constantly evolving, so should your approach to workplace security and compliance. Visitor management systems are crucial for dealing with this increasing complexity, offering integrated solutions that connect smoothly across various platforms and devices. More than just an operational upgrade, a VMS is a strategic step towards a more trusted, secure, and compliant business.

We've created a comprehensive workplace security kit to guide you through developing, implementing, and managing your security policies and procedures. Download yours today!


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Senior Content Marketing Manager Alumni

Amy is a content creator and storyteller at Envoy, where she helps workplace leaders build a workplace their people will love. Outside of work, you can usually find Amy exploring new places, planning her next trip, or enjoying a coffee and croissant in her favorite cafe.

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