5 types of working environments that support unique employee needs

May 9, 2023
A variety of work spaces unlocks creativity and enables better focus.
Maria Akhter
Content Marketing Manager

If your industry follows a traditional office model, you’ve probably noticed that today’s offices look different than those of the past. Today’s offices are uniquely designed, inspired by company personality, technologically-advanced, and suited to fit the current working needs of employees. That’s because employees today don’t want to be limited to just a typical desk and standard conference room. They need a variety of working environments to achieve their goals onsite whether it be heads-down focus, collaboration, or socialization with work friends. In this blog post, we’ll explore five types of working environments that you should consider including in your modern workplace. From focus zones to social spaces, each work environment is tailored to help employees work better, smarter, and happier. So let’s dive in and explore the type of work spaces you need in your workplace and the benefits that they bring.

1. Focus zones

Focus zones are a type of work environment designed for employees who need a break from the bustle and chatter of the office. They’re ideal for tasks that require deeper concentration or for employees who just prefer to work in a quieter environment.These zones should be created in the quietest parts of the office. They can be phone booths, meeting pods, or small tables. Or this could be a designated no-talking “library” room. Bonus points for comfortable seating, multiple monitor options, and soundproofing capabilities.

2. Breakout areas

Having every meeting in a conference room can feel stuffy after a while. That’s where breakout meeting spaces can help diversify the workplace. These breakout spaces are designed for impromptu meetings and are typically open areas of the office that aren’t bookable. Consider adding some comfy seating or high tables in a moderately quiet part of the office. You may want to also fashion this area with rolling whiteboards, a coffee cart, or notebooks and pens.

3. Resource spaces

Resource spaces are areas where employees can access the tools and equipment they need to complete their work. For example, it might be a supply room with printers, photocopiers, and other office equipment. It might be a tech room with extra monitors, cables, and desk equipment. It might be a shipping and labeling space. Resource spaces are useful for folks who need specific equipment to complete their work. It’s a good idea to put your tech space near your IT team and your supply room near your workplace team.

4. Social spaces

Activity spaces are areas in the office that provide employees a space to come together to talk about things outside of work. A huge part of a successful employee experience is socialization and connection among colleagues. So it’s important that employees have spaces to gather with their work besties to unwind, relax, and recharge when they need a break from their workday. These spaces should be optimized for community. Think: large spaces with plenty of seating options where people can get together, host events, and gather informally for connection.

5. Hot desking spaces

Cubicles aren’t around much anymore, and for good reason! The workplace is best when people can openly collaborate and meet with one another without literal barriers in the way. Hot desking spaces are a type of work environment designed to promote more communication and collaboration. They typically include an arrangement of hot desks arranged by team or cross-functional partners. With the right desk booking tool, workplace leaders can even organize their open space plans based on neighborhoods, so specific team members can sit together and get the most out of their workday. —By providing a variety of unique spaces for employees to work, collaborate, and socialize, workplace leaders can create a more positive and productive work environment. So, whether it’s a quiet focus zone, a shared social space, or a breakout area, it’s essential for workplace leaders to design their work spaces around the needs of their employees. These tweaks in the office allow employees to leave at the end of the day more fulfilled, productive, and proud of their workplace.


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Content Marketing Manager

Maria is a content marketing manager at Envoy, where she helps workplace leaders build a workplace their people love. Outside of work, her passions include exploring the outdoors, checking out local farmers' markets, and drinking way too much coffee.

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