Envoy wins Inc.’s 2019 Best Workplaces award

May 21, 2019
When it comes to defining the “best” in what constitutes the best workplaces, what criteria would you include?
Susannah MagersEnvoy Logo
Content Marketer
Marketing Specialist
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When it comes to defining the “best” in what constitutes the best workplaces, what criteria would you include? Pet-friendly policies? Tuition reimbursement? Unlimited vacation time? A kitchen stocked with snacks?

While these are some of the more tangible (and admittedly awesome) perks, the country’s best workplaces have another, harder-to-quantify quality in common: a truly employee-centric company culture.

As one of the recipients of Inc.’s 2019 Best Workplaces Award, we couldn’t agree more. Among the highest-ranked factors cited by the 139,251 employees from almost 2,000 companies of all sizes and industries who responded to Inc.’s workplace experience survey? Company culture is the clear winner––here’s why.

How do you create great workplace experiences for customers? Start by doing so for your employees

Beyond catered lunches and open floor plans, professional development opportunities, dedicated diversity and belonging initiatives, and consistent employee recognition make the biggest difference in the employee experience. These efforts approach employee satisfaction as an ongoing journey rather than a series of temporary, rewards-based acknowledgments. Reducing friction at work in every arena should be a core part of how companies improve employee experience, but encompasses much more than process optimization.

Applying an employee-as-customer methodology to workforce management is a key way the best workplaces “prioritize the most human elements of work,” according to Quantum Workplace, the third-party organization that conducted Inc.’s Best Workplaces workplace experience survey.

"With today's tight labor market, building a great corporate culture is more important than ever,” says Inc. magazine editor-in-chief James Ledbetter.

Challenge the status quo of employee experience

According to the survey results, 74.2 percent of surveyed employees say they are engaged by their work, up from last year’s 72.1 percent. With the unemployment rate at historic lows, investing in employee experience is an essential component of retention, something Lynee Luque, VP and Head of People at Envoy, is thrilled to see reflected in the survey results.

“It makes me happy that our own employees acknowledge Envoy as an organization that understands the importance of investing in people and employee engagement across a wide range of workplace factors from benefits and career growth to diversity and belonging.”

Luque adds that she’s “not surprised at all” that Envoy employees describe our company culture as “fun, collaborative, and innovative.” These words align closely with the values we live every day: create great experiences, pitch in, and stand out.

Join our growing team to challenge the workplace status quo.


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Susannah revels in storytelling in all of its forms, especially writing. As a champion for the role of technology in the workplace, she writes about where workplace experience, technology, and people intersect, through the lens of the all-important human elements.

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