The big city buzz: Office traffic surges in 2024

Aug 1, 2024
Major cities have seen substantial growth in office foot traffic. See how your city compares.
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Head of Data Analytics
Marketing Specialist
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There is no blueprint for the modern office, but with widespread hybrid work models and RTO efforts in full effect, office foot traffic is up 21% compared to this time last year. The strong surge of workplace traffic in the second half of 2023 has continued into 2024, signaling that physical workplaces will continue to thrive.

Major cities have seen substantial growth in office foot traffic. Philadelphia has seen the biggest uptick, coming in with a 34% Y/Y increase so far in 2024 compared to 2023, followed by Chicago at 27%. 

Throughout the year, these cities followed similar foot traffic patterns with notable dips in workplace traffic that correlate with typical vacation periods such as spring break and around Memorial Day weekend.

To many, offices are more than just a place to work, they are spaces that bring people together to collaborate, develop friendships, further their careers, and cultivate a healthy workplace culture.

As more people return to the office, it is critical to manage and optimize workspaces to best enable both employees and visitors. By using data-driven insights on occupancy and space usage to design the workplace, organizations can better foster collaboration and meet employee needs.


This blog is a part of Envoy’s bi-weekly Data snack series. Check in regularly for more workplace insights!


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Head of Data Analytics

Jonathan is the Head of Data Analytics at Envoy where he gets to show off his passion for creating data-driven insights, tools, and applications every day. Outside of the office, you can find Jonathan in the outdoors backpacking and camping, exploring new hip restaurants, or spending time with his wife and two young boys.

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