Summer Fridays aren’t real: Employees aren’t going into the office on Friday year-round

Aug 8, 2024
Data reveals that employees aren’t coming in on Fridays year-round, not just during the summer months.
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Head of Data Analytics
Marketing Specialist
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Forget the beach plans and early escapes—data shows Fridays are the least popular day in the office across 2024. That's right, only 10% of weekday traffic happens on Fridays. This trend has been consistent all year, with Friday office attendance decreasing since employees began returning to the office post-COVID. This leads us to wonder: What does the future hold for the beloved “Summer Fridays”?

The rise of hybrid work models might be the culprit. Gone are the days when everyone craved that Friday afternoon office escape. With the flexibility to work remotely, employees are scheduling in-office days strategically, blurring the lines of the traditional workweek.

This trend aligns with the growing interest in four-day workweeks. According to KPMG’s 2024 U.S. CEO Outlook Pulse Survey, 30% of large U.S. companies are exploring this option. Could Summer Fridays be a stepping stone to a more permanent shift in work schedules?

While the future of work unfolds, one thing is clear: flexibility is becoming the norm. Companies need to adapt by embracing a data-driven approach to workplace design. By gathering data on how employees use a space—from desk bookings and meeting room usage to employee sign-in systems—businesses can gain valuable insights into their flexible work model's effectiveness. This allows them to optimize office space utilization, ensure adequate resources are available for in-person collaboration, and ultimately, create a work environment that empowers employees to thrive in a flexible work environment.


This blog is a part of Envoy’s bi-weekly Data snack series. Check in regularly for more workplace insights!


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Head of Data Analytics

Jonathan is the Head of Data Analytics at Envoy where he gets to show off his passion for creating data-driven insights, tools, and applications every day. Outside of the office, you can find Jonathan in the outdoors backpacking and camping, exploring new hip restaurants, or spending time with his wife and two young boys.

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