[Webinar] The workplace of the future: Flexible office solutions and the responsive workplace

Sep 12, 2019
Join Erin Hersey from Knotel, and Matt Harris from Envoy, as they share their secrets for building a functional, flexible modern workplace.
Marisa Krystian
Content Marketer

You may often feel like today’s workplace can’t keep up with strict real estate leases, building costs, emerging technologies, and companies that grow beyond their physical spaces at a rapid rate. The reality is that the needs of the workplace, and your teams inside it, are changing. You need to shift your thinking to come up with unique ways to utilize your space as your company evolves.

In this webinar, join Erin Hersey, Head of Product Marketing + Workplace Anthropologist at Knotel, and Matt Harris, Head of Workplace Technology at Envoy, as they share their secrets for building a functional, flexible space that responds to the demands of the modern workplace.

Knotel is known for creating customer-centric, flexible office solutions, and Envoy builds seamless technology that challenges the status quo. Together, their missions align–they want to help you create a workplace that works better.

In this webinar you’ll learn about:

  • The challenges today’s workplace faces
  • The definition of ‘flexible office solutions’ and the ‘responsive workplace’
  • The role of the Workplace Anthropologist and Head of Workplace Tech
  • People-powered principles for the workplace
  • Knotel and Envoy’s framework for building the ideal space
  • Erin and Matt’s views on the workplace of the future

Webinar details:

Date: 9/26/2019

Time: 10 am PST, 1 pm EST

Duration: 45 minutes, including a 30-minute presentation and live Q&A

Log-in link: This will be emailed to you when you register and again one day before the webinar

The webinar may be over, but you can still watch the video recording below.

[envoy_webinar_cta text="Watch now!" url="https://envoy.zoom.us/recording/play/Gy89XpVnvOYzsaU7pVdrMcR4_crWG9d3n2U3oc6Hj3qMlKx5_trok4Y2LGXggSMA?continueMode=true"]


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Content Marketer

Marisa revels in storytelling in all of its forms, especially writing. As a champion for the role of technology in the workplace, she writes about where workplace experience, technology, and people intersect, through the lens of the all-important human elements.

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