Your package problem needs a delivery management software solution

Feb 12, 2020
74% of packages are stolen during business hours––driving employees to find a safe, convenient alternative to home for receiving deliveries.
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Manager, Content Marketing and Media Relations

Online retailers have forever changed the way we shop. There is no “typical” online purchase; people are buying everything from furniture to single tubes of toothpaste and having it delivered. Longer work days mean people have less time to run errands or shop in person, free same-day delivery is becoming a necessity. Unfortunately, they no longer feel safe having their packages left at doorways due to the uptick in theft.

Almost three-quarters (74%) of packages are stolen during business hours, driving professionals to find a safe and convenient alternative to their home for receiving deliveries. New generations of employees consider the workplace an extension of their home, making work the natural choice. For many employees, this is a basic employer service that allows them to focus on their jobs. Receiving important packages at their place of business alleviates worries about theft or loss and helps them stay productive.

A recent Wakefield Research survey indicates that 69% of people have had personal packages delivered to work. They expect professional management of their deliveries including fast notifications of arrivals and easy retrieval. While they want to be immediately notified of arrival, most people take 2-3 days to retrieve their packages, creating a pileup in the lobby. Online shopping is expected to double to $4.5 trillion by 2021, meaning this pile is going to get much bigger and the process of package management will become unmanageable.

Companies that don’t use delivery management software risk experiencing lost productivity, cluttered lobbies, and frustrated employees. This blog demonstrates how workplace technology can help companies respond to the onslaught of deliveries while maintaining productivity and delivering a positive workplace experience.

Manual package management vs. delivery management software

As the volume of packages increases, so will the headaches associated with package management. People are emotional about their packages; lost packages or delayed notifications can create unnecessary interpersonal conflict and a poor workplace experience. Using workplace technology can prevent wasted time and emotional distress which contributes to a positive workplace experience.

The cumbersome process of manual delivery management

Deliveries can be very disruptive to companies using manual package management. When the delivery arrives the receptionist signs for the deliveries and indicates where they should be placed. The next step is recording the packages, tracking numbers, and recipients by handwriting the information onto a paper log. This information is used to create individual emails for each employee who needs to retrieve a delivery. Often times the receptionist is interrupted during this process and it takes several hours from the arrival of the delivery until employees are notified.

In addition to receiving packages, the receptionist is also responsible for tracking when employees pick up their items requiring another time-consuming interaction. Even though people want to know their package arrived, they don’t necessarily rush to pick it up. Often the receptionist has to go through unclaimed packages and manually send reminders to employees.

Automated delivery management

As packages arrive the receptionist signs for the delivery and snaps a photo of each item--instantly creating an accurate record of what was received. Text recognition technology within the software can match employee names to the integrated company directory and automatically send a notification. Delivery management software allows automatic alerts to be sent via email, SMS or integrated applications such as slack so employees can receive communications in their preferred way.

When employees retrieve deliveries they electronically sign for them creating a record that is useful in the event of lost packages or an audit. If a package is not picked up in a specified amount of time, the system automatically sends a reminder.

The bottom line: Manual package management is time-consuming and error-prone. If an employee spends a mere 10 minutes a week looking for a package, that adds up to a full day of work (8.33 hours) by the end of the year. As the volume of packages increases, the amount of wasted time and potential for frustration will snowball. Modernizing the process frees everyone in the organization up to focus on activities that contribute to the bottom line. 

Technology streamlines the process

Automating package tracking and notification streamlines the process, reduces confusion, and helps employees focus on meaningful work, which is what everyone wants. By instantly creating a log of when deliveries were received, tracking numbers and when employees signed for them, delivery management software creates a single source of truth in the event of an audit or questions about the status of a delivery. Package pile up is reduced because recipients are automatically reminded when they don’t pick up their items.

Best of all, there’s no guesswork or confusion and in the event of questions or audits the system provides a single source of truth with the click of the mouse which reduces stress for everyone involved.

Interested in learning more about delivery management software and how it can help workplace experience? Get the delivery management ebook.


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Manager, Content Marketing and Media Relations

Dawn is passionate about writing content to help educate and inspire workplace leaders. She covers everything from the visitor and employee experience to space management, to the workplace tech-stack that keeps it all running.

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