Delivery management that delights and scales with your workplace

Nov 20, 2019
Make it easy to understand where packages are and get them quickly to employees with automated delivery management.
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Once your office gets bigger and you have a lot of different people coming onsite, visitor management and package delivery become clunky and hard to deal with.

Automating these kinds of operational tasks creates a more streamlined, pleasant, experience across roles for the entire workplace, freeing people up to focus instead on the high-impact work that only humans can do.

Create better first impressions

Workplace experience expert Gina Belleci has worked in the San Francisco technology industry for 15 years leading in-house workplace teams as well as consulting for fast-growing startups. She says that whenever she walks into offices she’s constantly scanning — whether she’s there as a visitor or for an interview — to get a sense of how the workplace is managed.

“If you are disorganized in the lobby, it will affect the entire office. Whatever you initially walk into is representative of what you’re going to experience for the entire floor.” – Gina Belleci, Senior Workplace Experience Manager

Envoy has transformed visitor management by digitizing the manual pen and paper logbook process and is expanding workplace improvements with automated package management with Deliveries. The goal of Envoy Deliveries is to manage the entire process of packages coming in your front door and getting picked up by the rightful owner.

How delivery management impacts employee experience

On top of managing the stresses and competing workplace priorities of a fast-growing company, online shopping is on the rise and many employees get mail delivered to work because there is a huge rise in porch package theft. Most deliveries happen during the day while people are at work, which is when 74% of packages are stolen, according to a study by research firm Edelman Intelligence. 

Rather than work from home to be there when an important package gets delivered, employees prefer to get their packages safely delivered to their office. In fact, two-thirds of employees are getting packages delivered to work and have certain expectations around what will happen once their package arrives in the office. With Envoy Deliveries, the process of package management is a little more fun and a lot less difficult.

Scan a package label and delivery recipients are automatically notified –– and reminded to pick up their package –– in seconds

Envoy Deliveries makes it easy to understand where packages are while making the delivery management process better and less time-consuming for the office manager by taking a lot of that manual work off of their hands. All they have to do is scan a package and Deliveries will automatically let somebody know that their mail is there.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Scan the package using the mobile Deliveries app and recipients are automatically notified via their preferred communication channel –– think email or Slack –– that their package is ready to be picked up.
  2. Place the package in your designated mail pick up spot. Deliveries can be set up to manage deliveries in multiple locations.
  3. Recipients pick up their package and mark it as “picked up” in the Deliveries app. If they don’t pick up their package, Deliveries will automatically remind them to.

Your deliveries matter — whether it’s a personal package like a new blazer or something more critical, such as a passport. You can see people get a notification and say, “Oh yay! My stuff is here.” Not only is it more efficient, but it’s also a delightful experience that makes employees feel taken care of.

Delivery management software automates package management for workplaces.

Sara-Cate Jones, a Demand Generation Specialist at Envoy, runs in-person events that almost always involve printed materials and swag as well as larger critical items for conference booths such as hardware and build-outs. She says that the Deliveries app is the most important workplace tool that she uses.

"On the marketing team, you’re running multiple events and projects at any given time. And you have this running checklist of things in your head that you need — things like product and promotional collateral or pop-up banners for an event. Everything needs to be at a specific place at a specific time." – Sara-Cate Jones, Demand Generation Specialist, Envoy

Companies are asking a lot of their employees, but employees are asking a lot of their employers as well. With Envoy’s workplace technology, you don’t have to do as much work to get your day-to-day tasks that happen outside of the core part of your job done. Envoy Deliveries has solved the problem of package management in a way that’s really easy and fast. With the Deliveries product in action, no one is walking around searching for where an important package is.

Gina has brought Envoy to every one of her startups if they didn’t have it already. If the company is using Envoy, it’s the first thing she notices in an interview. She especially likes that the product experience is clean and tech-forward, but not difficult to use. 

“Envoy is just a great tool. You walk into an office and that’s the first piece that shows the office cares. It’s collecting the right data, it’s setting the right image, and I can’t imagine working in an environment without it.” – Gina Belleci, Senior Workplace Experience Manager

Is a delivery management system right for your workplace? Here’s an ebook with more information on why workplaces are moving manual package tracking to a digital process.


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Susannah revels in storytelling in all of its forms, especially writing. As a champion for the role of technology in the workplace, she writes about where workplace experience, technology, and people intersect, through the lens of the all-important human elements.

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