Workplace Security 2020

As today's workplace changes, so do the potential risks, like unwanted intruders, cyber attacks, and IP theft. It's your responsibility to do everything you can to combat evolving security threats for you customers, clients, visitors, and staff.

We partnered with Wakefield Research to survey 1,000 U.S. IT and Security professionals who are responsible for technology impacting physical security, data, and network elements. What we learned was the threats are real, your concerns are valid, and you're not alone.

Every workplace is different, but the threats to their security are very much the same.

While more than 2 in 5 (44%) IT and Security professionals feel most threatened by external malicious actors, more than half (56%) worry about internal threats such as employee negligence (28%) and accidental data slippage (28%).

97% of those responsible for security tech say the news makes them feel less safe at work. In fact, nearly 7 in 10 (69%) IT and Security professionals see headlines once a week or more that make them feel their office isn't as secure as it should be.

How often do headlines worry IT and Security professionals?

Teams are in place to predict and prevent security threats, but are they doing enough?

Workplace security is so critical that 99% of IT and Security professionals have someone directly responsible for setting up the policies and tools their spaces need to keep their people, property, and data safe.

What's shocking is that over 1/3 of companies place workplace security responsibilities solely on their front desk receptionist, who may not have the training or experience required to handle these responsibilities.

Only half (54%) of respondents feel completely confident that their IT team can predict and prevent security threats.

IT and Security teams see the benefit of visitor management solutions when it comes to mitigating risk

A total of 98% of respondents see some benefit in investing in visitor management solutions.

The top benefit is workplace security at 63%.

Over half (53%) require badges to be printed for all visitors.

47% of respondents require pen-and-paper visitor sign-in.

Teams are in place to predict and prevent security threats, but are they doing enough?

Over the next 5 years, 99% plan to increase spending on data security, data storage, visitor management systems, and integrated systems.

IT and Security teams aren't sure where to focus their energy—physical threats or cybersecurity.

Spoiler alert: the answer is both.

97% agreethat in order for physical security to be effective, it must be fully integrated with digital security.

IT and Security professionals are split on the most vulnerable threats—57% say cyber data security; 43% say on-site physical security.