An OSHA-compliant visitor email template

If you’ve got this far, it’s highly likely you know what OSHA is. What you might need help with is how to be compliant with OSHA regulations and keep your workers and visitors safe on your premises.

As manufacturing enterprises, you experience a huge volume of visitors coming in and out of your locations. Tracking everyone at such a scale, as well as ensuring they sign-in, have the necessary paperwork, and have already completed their safety training before they arrive is tricky–especially if you’re using methods from twenty years ago (anyone got a pen?).

It’s time to put Excel and your notepad aside. This is where your visitor management system comes in handy. Your VMS can help your business comply with OSHA regulations by:

  1. Tracking visitors in and out of your facilities or work sites
  2. Ensuring visitors sign-in at the front desk with the right details, paperwork, and ID
  3. Request visitors to watch, understand, and confirm important health and safety videos or training, all before they arrive onsite

With a visitor management system, you can create specific visitor types that suit your enterprise. That means you can send contractors, vendors, delivery people, and guests personalized emails with the exact information they need to stay safe onsite. There’s no limit to the number of visitor types you can have. So to get you started, we’ve created an OSHA-specific email that you can send to all visitors, helping you to stay compliant while keeping everyone safe on site.

Your OSHA-compliant visitor email template

The below email template can be edited, copied, and pasted into your visitor management system. Although the subject line and header won’t vary too much by visitor type, you can customize the content to ensure the right visitor type completes the right OSHA-related safety training in line with your visitor policies. For example, you might need contractors that work with you for a period of time to complete more safety training than an auditor coming to inspect your facility for a day.

Use this visitor invite template as a starting point to uplevel your facility’s compliance with different regulations. And don’t forget to replace the bracketed text with all of your relevant information and links unique to your business. Here you go!

Email subject line

Important health and safety information ahead of your visit to [company name] at [site location].


[Address of manufacturing facility]

Date and time of arrival

[Date of visitor’s arrival and time]

🎨 Custom content

Hi [visitor name],

This email is to confirm your visit to our facility on [date of arrival]. For your health and safety, and those of our workers, please ensure you read this email in its entirety and complete any necessary documents before you arrive.

🖥️ Register for your visit

Please complete your registration by following the link below.

[Link to registration]

😀 How to be safe in our facility

At [company name], we take the health and safety of our people very seriously. Please take a look at our [link any additional resources here, like an OSHA safety training guide or video] for more information.

🥽 Equipment

Equipment [will/will not] be required during your time onsite. This includes [include equipment needed, such as a hard hat and safety vest].

If you have any questions about this, please contact us before your visit.

🤒 Covid-19

If you feel sick on the day of your visit, or have tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 14 days, please [link to contact us] to reschedule your visit.

🦺 Health and safety content

Ahead of your visit, please read through the below OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) content that is designed to keep everyone safe in the facility. We also require you to complete the below health and safety training, and sign the attached documents.

[Link to any OSHA-related content for your company]

[Link to any safety videos/training guides you might have]

[Link or attach any documents here to sign]

🚨Emergency protocol

In the event of an emergency during your visit, you will need to evacuate the premises via the fire exits. You will be shown where these are when you are on site. For any additional information, please read the information below.

[Link to any additional emergency protocol information]

👋 [Email signoff]

If you have any questions, please contact us immediately otherwise we look forward to welcoming you to [company name].

How to use your visitor invite template with Envoy Visitors

You have the content, now what do you do with it? Simply copy and paste what you need into the visitor management system you use. Use the bracketed text to input the relevant information for your company or visitor type.

If you use Envoy, below is a short step-by-step guide on how to set up different visitor types and edit emails in your Envoy Visitors dashboard.

How to set up different visitor types

With different visitor types, you can include the sections you need for the right people. So whether it’s contractors, importers, couriers, or even personal visitors, you can send the right communications to the right people, at the right time. Here’s how to set up different visitor types on Envoy.

  1. Navigate to your visitor management dashboard with Envoy
  2. Go to Visitors > Settings > Sign-in flow
  3. Click Add visitor type
  4. Name your visitor type and click Save

Not sure how to categorize your visitors? Examples could include contractors, importers, auditors, or employees.

How to edit your visitor emails

  1. Navigate to your visitor management dashboard with Envoy
  2. Go to Visitors > Settings > Email templates
  3. Label your template
  4. Edit your email, including subject line, headers, address, and body copy

You can change the order of the sections by using the move symbol to drag and drop sections where you’d like them to be. You can also hide specific sections. For example, you may not need to include document signing information for a job candidate.