Wing Poon

Posts by

Wing Poon

Learn how to choose a visitor management solution that’s right for you, including the best features to look out for.

Onsite events and programs were a major focus for workplace leaders in 2022.

The holidays are just around the corner, and you know what that means? More packages piling up at your front desk.

If you’re wondering how you or your folks can find more purpose at work, check out these top tips by Dr. Dana Mitra to find out.

Many companies are scrambling to adopt new workplace technologies to make hybrid work. Ensure long-term success by asking these four questions.

Right-sizing your workplace is about innovation and design, but before you pick out paint and sofas, analyze these space utilization metrics.

Advances in technology have had a massive impact on workplace experience. What hasn't been lost? The need for human connection.

If your team uses Google Apps, you can now sync your full employee directory with Envoy in just a few clicks.
