Fayette Fox

Posts by

Fayette Fox

Fayette is passionate about writing content to help educate and inspire workplace leaders. She covers everything from the visitor and employee experience to space management, to the workplace tech-stack that keeps it all running.

We’re about to embark on a new year, and a whole new decade. Is your workplace ready for 2020?

Deliveries at work? Make handling them a breeze with mailroom management software.

Keeping track of packages delivered to the workplace manually is a pain. Here's why you should consider embracing a digital mailroom.

Gen Z makes up 27% of the U.S. population. The most diverse cohort yet, how can employers update their offices to attract top talent?

What does an automated front desk system even mean and what’s wrong with the more manual approach? Read on to find out.

What’s working for employees at your company and what isn’t? Ask them –– and translate their insights into a better workplace experience.

Level up your workplace experience with dedicated programs to foster a better sense of belonging.

Visitor management systems help you keep track of everyone who comes through your doors. They increase efficiency, boost your brand, and keep your office safe.

Your visitors are an invaluable window into the success of your workplace’s first impression. Have you asked them lately what they think?

See why visitor management in multiple languages boosts accessibility and the workplace experience.

With the right visitor management solution, it’s easy to weave powerful security into a delightful workplace experience.

Katie Strain, Senior Manager, Real Estate & Facilities at Samsara, shares how she evaluates workplace technology.

A good visitor sign-in flow should capture the information you need while being straightforward and seamless for your visitors.

We compare visitor management systems so you can choose the best option for your workplace.

How does workplace technology affect workplace experience? We commissioned a study to find out.
