Alex Haefner

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Alex Haefner

Alex is Envoy's Head of Product and a champion of creating products people love using that enable safe, flexible, and welcoming workplaces. When he's not brainstorming what to build next, you can find him hiking trails with his dog or exploring new recipes.

Since May over 5,000 workplaces have used Envoy Protect to power one million safe returns to the workplace. Today we’re proud to announce that Protect is out of beta and full of new features!

In May we launched Envoy Protect to a small group of customers in a closed beta. In just thirty days over 2,000 companies have signed up for the program - a response beyond our wildest expectations. Today, we’re excited to share updates on the product and how Envoy intends to support the return to the workplace.

Your workplace should help you do your best work—not hold you back. At Envoy, our mission is to challenge the status quo. Meet the workplace platform.
