Integrations: Your secret weapon to streamlining workplace data

Feb 14, 2024
Are data silos making it difficult to gather insights? Discover how breaking down those silos with software integrations can drastically improve your workplace analytics.
Euna KimEnvoy Logo
Content Marketing Manager
Marketing Specialist

Over a decade ago, Marc Andreessen famously said, “Software is eating the world.” With more specialized software available now than ever, it does seem like it’s come true—as of 2023, the U.S. alone has 17,000 Software as a Service (SaaS) companies with about 59 billion customers worldwide. 

With a digital tool to manage nearly every aspect of our lives, from our grocery lists to how often we water our plants, we also rely on a growing number of software tools to get our work done. In fact, a 2023 study found that mid-market companies (501-2,500 employees) have 255 apps on average, and large enterprises have more than twice that, with an average of 664 apps. 

The unplanned downside of having a tool for everything? The abundance of siloed data we create by using disjointed, single-purpose software. 

What are data silos?

Data silos are essentially isolated islands of data stored and managed separately within an organization. These silos often occur when data is split across different tools, making it difficult to share and access. 

The key problems with siloed data arise when we’re trying to collaborate or gather analytical insights. For example, if you’re looking for an overall view of your office space utilization, you might be able to see how many people booked meeting rooms in one place, while how many visitors you had onsite is stored somewhere else. The worst-case scenario? You’re using seven different tools to collect this data that aren’t connected to each other at all. 

Data silos lead to:

  • A fragmented picture of how things are running: Each tool you’re using might only have one piece of the data puzzle.
  • Time wasted switching back and forth across tools: You end up having to check several different places to look for the information you need.
  • Inefficient reporting: Pulling data and organizing it into reports takes extra time and manual effort, which can lead to slower decision-making.
  • Difficulty collaborating: Your employees may not have visibility into relevant data held by other teams, leading to duplication of effort and a lack of alignment.
  • Scalability challenges: Scaling processes can be challenging if they’re not automated or optimized for efficiency.

Eliminate data silos and extra steps with software integrations

Workplace analytics usually involves a complex web of moving pieces. The best way to simplify the collection of this complex data involves two steps. First, when possible, choose tools that do more. Instead of a single-purpose software tool, look for a platform that can centralize your workplace data and track two or more of the key data points or processes you’re looking to manage. 

Second, identify the software options that play nicely with others, meaning they’re able to integrate with your existing software tools. The more you can automate the sharing of data from one tool to another, the less manual work your team has to do. By centralizing all this data onto a single platform, you’re then able to get a clearer view of how things are running.

For example, let’s say there’s a specific access control system your employees use to enter your office space, with either a physical badge or a mobile app. The right integration allows you to passively import this access data into your workplace analytics software without requiring you to log in to multiple platforms or pull and consolidate data. This information is invaluable not only to your security team for understanding who’s accessing your space, but also for your workplace team who’s managing space planning. Now it’s all accessible in one place in real time.  

Another example is with visitor management. If you’re welcoming visitors and prospective hires into your office, you might have an extra step for them to sign NDAs when they visit for the first time. Having DocuSign and Greenhouse seamlessly integrated with your visitors’ sign-in flow lets you track that in one place. This reduces manual work for your front desk team and provides an added bonus: your visitors leave with a great first impression.

The benefits of integrations for workplace analytics

Creating a single source of truth using the power of integrations lets your workplace admin team and employees reap major benefits in several key areas. 

1. Simplified access to information

You can access real-time analytics without having to open several tools with disconnected information. Reporting also doesn’t require additional manual data entry or duplication of work.

2. Enhanced decision-making

You’re able to draw comprehensive insights from combined data sources, giving you a holistic view of your operations. For example, you can integrate badge access data with meeting room booking tools for a clearer picture of your office space utilization.

3. Improved efficiency

Integrations can help you automate workflows, which can result in both increased employee adoption of tools and time and cost savings for your team. One example of this is calendar integrations that help you clearly see how often meeting rooms are booked and for how long. 

4. Better employee experience

Automated workflows and data imports also mean a more seamless user experience for both your employees and admins. For example, an integration can automatically send an employee a Slack message when they have a package delivered. This creates a seamless experience for both the admin team and the package recipient.

What to read next

Ready to learn more about centralizing your workplace analytics? Learn how choosing a platform that integrates with over 100+ different tools can help you streamline the way you organize and manage your workplace.


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Content Marketing Manager

Euna is a content marketer and storyteller at Envoy. She writes about using data to increase workplace efficiency and improving the way we work together. Outside of the office, you'll usually find Euna traveling to new places, cozying up with a good book, or testing out a new recipe.

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